Health and Wellbeing
Health and Wellbeing continues to be a priority focus at Nedlands PS with a broad range of initiatives fostering health and wellbeing for our students, staff and community, including: Health Curriculum Learning area; Personal and Social Capability of students; Students at Educational Risk (SAER); and school safety and first aid.
Students engage with Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Programs, that focus on developing a growth mindset, social and emotional learning, resilience, listening skills and communication skills.
Health and Wellbeing School Councillors (Year 6) support the school culture of Health and Wellbeing by providing tips and support each week for students across all year levels in the area of Health and Wellbeing. Care Councillors are now active in the senior playground as well as junior area after students made requests to Health and Wellbeing school councillors.
Nedlands PS is a registered ‘Be You Learning Community’. Be You focus for students is the Learning Resilience domain. This was guided by results from the Kids Matter Health and Wellbeing surveys completed students. NPS school psychologist, the P&C, Nedslads and School Board jointly provided community information sessions.
School Psychologist
The school psychologist is available to assist children with educational, emotional or behavioural difficulties. Referrals are managed by the Student Services Team in co-ordination with class teachers.
Our School Chaplain is provided by the YouthCARE Chaplaincy program. The Chaplain is involved with a range of programs and events across the school, often working with students and their teachers in building positive mental health and well-being. Parents may also request that their child meet and work with the Chaplain and referral forms are available by contacting the school leadership team.
Community Nurse
The school has access to a Community Nurse. When on site, the Community Nurse conducts screening sessions (eyesight etc.), immunization courses and provides specialist health advice to teachers and children. Children who injure themselves or who fall ill during the course of the school day are initially attended to in the playground or the office. Parents will be contacted if we believe the child should not remain at school. Parents are asked to ensure that emergency contact numbers are accurately maintained at all times.
Student Engagement
Engagement within the school is based upon mutual consideration and respect. Expectations are introduced on the basis of mutual benefit, protection of the rights of the individual and a genuine concern and desire for the greatest benefit to all.
Children are made aware of their responsibilities towards each other, the staff and the school. They are encouraged to accept the responsibility and consequences of their behaviour. Greatest emphasis is placed upon the individual’s right to be able to attend school knowing that the environment is safe and their interest and ambitions to learn will not be interfered with or disrupted by others.
The school has a student engagement policy, which highlights our expectations of students, staff and parent. It has been endorsed by the School Board and is reviewed on a regular basis.