Physical Education
Nedlands Primary School provides a Physical Education Program for all children as outlined in the Western Australian Curriculum. Physical Education at Nedlands Primary encompasses a weekly 55-minute Physical Education lesson, year level Faction sport, Edu-Dance, in-term swimming lessons, faction and interschool sports as well as modelling an awareness of the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Every student attending our school is involved in a minimum of two hours of physical activity each week.
Faction Sports
At various times during the year, students all have the opportunity to participate in the following Faction Sport Carnivals.
Faction Swimming (Years 2 – 6)
Faction Athletics (Kindergarten – Year 6)
Faction Cross Country (Years 3 – 6)
Inter-school Sports
Throughout the year, the students in Years 3 to 6 compete against other schools in the surrounding suburbs in Inter-school Sports. During Term 1, children participate in the interschool swimming carnival. In Term 2, students are chosen to participate in the interschool winter sports competitions - Netball, AFL, Soccer and Hockey. During Term 2 and 3, the children are involved in Cross Country and Athletics events.
Our school’s Physical Education Program aims to provide students with the opportunity to learn a range of fundamental and applied movement skills necessary to be able to participate successfully in a variety of physical activities that promote positive attitudes to health and lifelong physical activity participation.